Understanding and Repairing Charging Failures in the Nintendo Switch


Understanding and Repairing Charging Failures in the Nintendo Switch

If you’re encountering charging problems with your Switch or Switch Lite, you’re not alone. These issues are quite common and can be attributed to several key components within the device. In this post, we’ll explore the roles of these components, the repair process, and address common questions about these issues.

Charging failures in the Nintendo Switch are typically caused by problems with the USB-C charge port, the M92T36 charging chip, or other related components on the motherboard.
The USB-C port, responsible for connecting the device to the charger, can become damaged over time due to regular use or accidental impacts. Physical damage to the port can prevent the device from charging properly, making it one of the first things to inspect when facing charging issues.
The M92T36 chip is another critical component that plays a significant role in the charging process. This chip not only manages power delivery but also handles the negotiation with the dock and charger. It is essential for proper power distribution within the device, including the charging of the battery and supplying power to other crucial components like the display. A malfunctioning M92T36 chip can result in the device not charging or powering on, and in some cases, it may also affect the display, causing a black screen even if the device seems to be powered.
In addition to the M92T36, the P13USB chip is another component that can influence charging functionality. This chip is responsible for handling USB-C communication and power pathways. Problems with the P13USB chip can lead to similar charging issues, necessitating its inspection and potential replacement during the repair process.
Battery issues are another common cause of charging failures. A depleted or damaged battery might not hold a charge or power the device correctly. Replacing the battery can often resolve these issues if other components are functioning properly.
The repair process typically begins with a thorough diagnosis. Using a multimeter, technicians check for continuity and shorts near the USB-C port, M92T36, and P13USB chips. This helps identify whether these components are faulty or if there are other issues on the motherboard. If the USB-C port is identified as the problem, it is carefully desoldered and replaced with a new one, ensuring that all connections are secure to avoid future issues.
If the diagnosis points to a faulty M92T36 chip, it is desoldered from the motherboard, and a new one is soldered in its place. This step requires precision and expertise, as the correct installation of the chip is crucial for the device’s power management. Additionally, other related components like capacitors and resistors near these chips are inspected. Sometimes, replacing these minor components can resolve issues without needing to replace the primary chips.
Understanding that hardware repairs can be expensive, we aim to keep costs reasonable. When replacing a charging port, if the M92T36 charging chip is also found to be faulty, we replace it at part cost only. This policy ensures that you’re not paying exorbitant fees for necessary repairs, making it more affordable to get your device back in working order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why isn’t my Switch charging even after replacing the USB-C port?
If your Switch still isn’t charging after replacing the USB-C port, the issue might be with the M92T36 or P13USB chip. These chips handle power distribution and communication, and their failure can prevent the device from charging properly
Q: Can other onboard chips affect charging?
Yes, aside from the M92T36 and P13USB chips, other components like capacitors and resistors can also influence the charging circuit. Inspecting these components during your repair process can help identify additional faults that might be affecting the charging functionality
Q: How do I know if the battery is the issue?
If replacing the USB-C port and related chips doesn’t solve the problem, the battery might be at fault. Testing with a known good battery can help determine if the original battery is defective and needs replacement.


In conclusion, while charging issues in the Nintendo Switch can be frustrating, they are often repairable with the right expertise and tools. Understanding the roles of the USB-C port, M92T36 chip, and other components can help you make informed decisions about repairs.
For more detailed guides and community support, resources like iFixit offer extensive troubleshooting steps and repair tutorials. Please also check out this blog written by Mend My iPhone: Nintendo Switch not turning on [https://mendmyiphone.co.uk/nintendo-switch-not-turning-on/]
1. Mend My iPhone “Nintendo Switch not turning on” Mend My iPphone

Post Tags :

charging issues, console, nintendo switch, power, repair

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